
Four ideas to help your organisation ride the AI Wave
Mark Smith Mark Smith

Four ideas to help your organisation ride the AI Wave

The AI Wave is a big one. Being prepared isn't just about being innovative, it's about making sure you don't fall behind, and have competitors leapfrog you. The tech waves compound on each other. Here's 4 keys to take advantage of it.

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Digital Literacy: An essential skill for Executives in Aotearoa New Zealand
Meg Smith Meg Smith

Digital Literacy: An essential skill for Executives in Aotearoa New Zealand

The decision-makers on C-suites and boards have typically relied on technical experts. But with the rate of digital transformation we’ve seen in the last four years and the advent of generative AI tools like Chat GPT and Bard, ‘asking an expert’ isn’t enough anymore. We need to do more than give technology a seat at the table in the form of a tech expert. Every person in the boardroom needs to have a shared language and understanding of digital technology so that decisions can be made in the right context.

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